Thursday, June 16, 2011


In this post I will answer the main question of this unit.

"To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization?”  

I think that as a citizen I should be aware of issues going on around me. However I should not be overly concerned with the things that I can see but not change. When I listen to or look at the news, I need to have a filter on my brain as to not believe that everything is the way the news makes it out to be. I need to realize that they focus on the WOW stories cuz otherwise they would get no 'likes'. They also seem to focus on one side of the story and not show anything else. For example, the uprising in Libya. We only saw one side of the story. We didn't see the side of the Libyan government, just the side of the rebels and the Canadian 'peacekeepers'. If you have friends in the countries, it is a much more reliable source. They can tell you what is really going on in their country and then you get the inside scoop. This is a good thing about globalization because you have an better chance of meeting them in the first place!

Because of globalization, the whole world is going to see what happened in Vancouver last night. Here the Canucks played to the seventh game of the Stanley Cup, beating the majority of the teams in the NHL. Just because they lost one game, doesn't mean they are a bad team. They are still an AMAZING team!!! But (contrary to the beliefs of every single adult in the world who says 'everyone's a winner') someone has to win and someone has to lose. So just because Canucks didn't come into possession of a hunk of silver doesn't mean they are a bad team. But there were people in the streets of Vancouver last night who completely came unglued! And now we are just like Libya or Egypt but over a piece of rubber going in a net instead of government issues. Now, because of globalization, everyone all over the world knows about it! Without globalization, people all over the world wouldn't know about the whole thing. It would just be Vancouver and area (like if you were playing a board game with your family and lost to your dad by seven dollars and then you could riot but not for something stupid like hockey! But at least the whole world wouldn't know about it!). And we, as Canadians, have a bad rep because of it. Whereas before countries were reluctant to let in Americans and they welcomed Canadians with open arms. But now, Canadians will be the ones who will be sceptisized because people will think they are violent or rebellious against all common sense. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights does not say anything about expressing your feelings in a way that hurts public or private property.

In summary, I think that globalization can be a good thing cuz it puts us in touch with other people around the world, and lets us know what is really happening. On the flip side, it can be a bad thing, because when something bad happens, it is instantly displayed around the world and everyone knows about it before the day is over. 

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